A cookie is a small text file embedded in your hard drive by the server of the site you are visiting. This file is neither a virus nor spyware.

Cookies are used to make surfing on the web easier for you. What actually happens when you visit an online shop for the first time is that the site’s server sends a file to your computer, which installs itself automatically on the disk. Thanks to this cookie, you will be recognised the next time you visit the same site and you won’t have to enter all your details again. In a nutshell, cookies customise your web experience.

There are three different types of cookies:

  • Session cookies: these are mainly used by online shops and allow you to keep items in your basket when shopping online. These cookies expire when the browser is closed
  • Permanent cookies: these remain in operation, even when you have closed the browser. They remember your login details and password so you don’t have to type them in every time you use the site. The law concerning permanent cookies stipulates that they need to be deleted after a period of six months
  • Third-party cookies: these are installed by third parties with the aim of collecting certain information to carry out various research into behaviour, demographics etc.

Different browsers offer differing ways to configure your browser's cookie settings. Click on the link for your browser below to get information on how to prevent or clear cookies from being created on your particular browser:

Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari